© - poem written by Kizzy
Like a young leaf in your wind, I obediently swirled
You said; "You only live once", I said; "YOLO"
You were my ticket to the other side of the world
So I boarded alone, and flew solo
Like a warm bath, you have surrounded me since my birth
I can write, paint, and dance away fear and negativity
You have formed my path since I set foot on this earth
For I am yours, and you are mine, my dear Creativity
But a storm in a warm bath makes for cold bubbles
And though there is no need to lie about what is factual
I dream away darkness, I sing away struggles
Without needing to try, for to me, it feels natural
Absent my discipline you'd suffocate me, you'd be a challenge
A flood of insomnia, confusion, lack of productivity
Absent my talent you'd frustrate me, but we found a balance
For I am yours, and you are mine, my dear Creativity
When a melody or scribbling may fall undecided,
When a phrase or a rhyme may seem ill pronounced
You promptly show up, stubborn and uninvited,
Welcome at all times, yet still, unannounced
Once deemed a 'useless distraction', you have managed to shift
Into my luck, into my bread, fueled by my sheer proclivity
So I shall cherish you forever, like a rare and priceless gift
For I am yours, and you are mine, my dear Creativity