DECEMBER 30, 2014
Kizzy was interviewed by Pop Up TV at het Glazen Huis in Winterland.
Watch the TV interview. | December 24, 2014
Kizzy hosted the Serious Request 'Hands off our Girls' charity event from het Glazenhuis in Winterland Schiedam. Gemeente Schiedam raised money for the cause. | DECEMBER 18, 2014
Christmas show with the Rolantino's on the afternoon of 13th of December.
De Rolantino's is an Orchestra with musicians with intellectual and physical disabilities and is led by conductor and founder Annelies Kars. | DECEMBER 22, 2014
Kizzy is the invited guest performer for annual Rosaria event at the Manhattan Hotel in Rotterdam. | DECEMBER 20, 2014
'Hands Off Our Girls' © - poem written by Kizzy for the Serious Request charity / 3fm
Fysiek misbruikt, en psychisch verdoofd
Zijn handen, verwoesten meer dan dynamiet
Ongestraft verminkt, van haar toekomst beroofd
Het lot van menig vrouw in oorlogsgebied
Overvallen, aangevallen, verstrikt in onmacht
Geslagen, verslagen, verstikt en verkracht
Weer 'n lichaam gebroken, weer 'n ziel uitgeblust
Dus 'Hands off our Girls!'
Laat onze meisjes met rust! |
DECEMBER 26, 2014
Kizzy is the soloist at the Christmas Concert of the Wilton Orchestra led by conductor Jean Gruter on the 13th of December in De Ark, Schiedam. | DECEMBER 28, 2014
Kizzy will host the Serious City / Serious Ambtenaar event (Serious Request) from 'Het Glazen Huis' in Winterland Schiedam.
Proceeds go to helping women who fall victem to sexual violence in war-crimes. | DECEMBER 16, 2014
Christmas Concert: 'Tribute to Christ'.
Kizzy will sing at the Christmas Concert: Tribute to Christ. This concert will take place at the Rotterdam Methodist Church on the 20th of December. | NOVEMBER 25, 2014
Kizzy will perform at the 'Vrouwen Aan de Top' event organised by the VAN (Vereniging Antilliaans Netwerk) on the 28th of November in Muiderkerk in Amsterdam.
There will be several guest speakers at this event highlighting the equal rights and opportunities of women. | 23 NOVEMBER, 2014
Kizzy will be a guest speaker and performer at the Kracht on Tour event on the 12th of November at Maassilo in Rotterdam.
This event promotes and celebrates financial independence for women, and stimulates them through trainings and workshops. |